Jer. 6:16 ask for the old paths, ..., and walk therein, ...
Dear Brethren,
For a number of years, we have had the privilege of working with Sr. Virginia Palmgren and her tape service. When we first began, Sr. Rose Knockaert was also involved. Over time, several Brethren have donated their audio tapes and reel to reels to this service. What a treasure trove of blessings have accrued! We want to thank those dear ones who have shared these gems with us, so we in turn can pass them on to you.
We want to encourage the Friends, by sharing discourses from faithful Brethren of the past who were filled with the Lord’s spirit and held close to the Harvest Message.
A number of the older recordings have some technical issues which we have tried to improve upon. Some issues still remain, which at times may be distracting to some. We trust the Brethren can look past these and receive a rich blessing.
You might find some of these discourses on other sites. We felt that we should share what was in our hand.
We pray that the Heavenly Father will bless this service to His glory and honor.
We have many, many blessings to still go through. This will be a lifetime work. Please check this site often for new gems.
In the bonds of Christ,
CWC (Central Washington Christians) Discourse Library Service
Dear Brethren,
For a number of years, we have had the privilege of working with Sr. Virginia Palmgren and her tape service. When we first began, Sr. Rose Knockaert was also involved. Over time, several Brethren have donated their audio tapes and reel to reels to this service. What a treasure trove of blessings have accrued! We want to thank those dear ones who have shared these gems with us, so we in turn can pass them on to you.
We want to encourage the Friends, by sharing discourses from faithful Brethren of the past who were filled with the Lord’s spirit and held close to the Harvest Message.
A number of the older recordings have some technical issues which we have tried to improve upon. Some issues still remain, which at times may be distracting to some. We trust the Brethren can look past these and receive a rich blessing.
You might find some of these discourses on other sites. We felt that we should share what was in our hand.
We pray that the Heavenly Father will bless this service to His glory and honor.
We have many, many blessings to still go through. This will be a lifetime work. Please check this site often for new gems.
In the bonds of Christ,
CWC (Central Washington Christians) Discourse Library Service